A simple activity to introduce the concept of adjectives using the book Elmer by David McKee. Students can record ideas and sentences on their own individual whiteboards.
5  Lessons
Grade: K-1

Elmer - Book Investigation

This series of lessons explores the theme 'what makes me special' and introduces students to literary concepts using the text Elmer. Students will get to know the characters and explore what makes them unique and special through art and drama.

A simple activity to introduce the concept of adjectives using the book Elmer by David McKee. Students can record ideas and sentences on their own individual whiteboards.
5  Lessons
Grade: K-1

Elmer - Book Investigation

This series of lessons explores the theme 'what makes me special' and introduces students to literary concepts using the text Elmer. Students will get to know the characters and explore what makes them unique and special through art and drama.

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